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About us

New way of climate and energy steering

VBoptimum is a specialist in installation engineering and energy conservation. Together with our partners and customers, we work to make buildings more sustainable and optimize climate installations.

We believe in the power of a Digital Twin as the basis for a future-proof building

The power of collaberation

Using predictive building data, we optimize building installations using our proven software tool ecoBuilding. EcoBuilding also allows simulations to be performed, allowing savings and sustainability measures to be applied in the digital copy. This is how we help our clients make informed decisions. For a future-proof building.

We originated from Priva and Vanbeek

 Priva lab for innovation (LIN) is the supplier of ecoBuilding's platform with algorithms. It was developed from a specific innovation department that was given room to think about optimisation some 15 years ago. The control of energy processes in buildings and greenhouses was looked at from a scientific perspective to look at optimisation from there. Priva is the market leader in climate automation in greenhouses and buildings. Within which this innovation team is working on the development of ecoBuilding. The team has developed into a full-fledged department with experts in mathematics, physics, data science and information technology. Read more about Priva and Priva lab for innovation here.

 Vanbeek is a specialist in integrated energy management. She helps many hundreds of organisations and buildings with energy management. From an integral approach, it looks at setting up the organisation, technical possibilities and systems to monitor energy and track roadmaps. Vanbeek is also supplier of the renowned ErbisOne monitoring system. Read more about Vanbeek and their vision on energy management here. 

VBoptimum originated from Priva and Vanbeek. We are specialists in installation technology, control technology and intelligent energy controls. Our people have many years of experience with building management systems and installations and can therefore work well together with technical service providers to bring installations to an optimum level. This makes us a complement to management and maintenance where we provide energy savings, comfort improvement and sustainability in cooperation with your own installer.

It is our ambition and goal to make the new way of energy and climate control the new standard. To complement the existing control technology where it optimises, deploys sustainable energy effectively and helps the energy transition.

Service and training centre:
Because of our origin from Priva and our focus on this specific subject, we have by far the most experience in the field of ecoBuilding's Digital Twin controls. We are therefore the advanced party designated by Priva as Service centre. We train other partners, installers and system integrators to work with this beautiful technology. We believe in an ecosystem where multiple specialists emerge at home and abroad who can help customers with Digital Twins and their deployment to optimise buildings.

Co-creation with Priva:
Together with Priva, we form one company-wide team working together to perfect this beautiful product and scale up internationally. "The new way to control energy as well as climate". This innovation department within Priva develops the algorithms and the Digital Twin ('ecoBuilding'). VBoptimum brings its knowledge from the market back to Priva and ensures the connection in practice. With practical experience, we also develop the interface, ensure the right technical connection and train the partner network. We are the knowledge centre, experts in Digital Twin-based predictive controls. VBoptimum originates from Priva and we were part of this innovation team. We know each other well, complement each other well and work together towards the same goal. Making the new way of energy and climate control the standard for making our buildings and our energy system more sustainable.


Specialists in data driven sustainable decision making

Sustainability & Continuity

We are working toward a more sustainable world. But we are also working towards a sustainable company. Profit is not a goal, but a means to sustainable continuity. Together with Priva, we invest in technology, we invest in our partners and we work together to make real estate in Europe more sustainable.


We believe in the power of partnerships. Together with Priva, together with Vanbeek and numerous other partners. We like to share our knowledge to ensure scale. Making 100 buildings sustainable is nice. But we work in an ecosystem of partners to make 100,000+ buildings sustainable. Working together and building partnerships are essential to this.

Joy & Quality

Good professionals are scarce and we employ the best. This leads to sustainable and successful partnerships with our clients. And to good knowledge transfer to our partners. Fun is an important core value. It makes it a pleasure for everyone involved to work together in 'a journey to an optimal building.

Our dedicated team

What our clients say

This is exactly what I expect from a smart climate controller.

Philip Verheye

Colleagues working in the offices are convinced by the indoor climate and comfort level, on the other hand, the benefits of energy consumption become clear when making a comparison with other office buildings.

Patrick Arnold

How cool that I get to experience this technology before I retire.

André den Biggelaar

The ecoBuilding simulations showed us exactly which battery capacity type we had to use in combination with the available connection capacity.

Patrick Kennis

The pilot demonstrated substantial energy savings of as much as 35%. We are very happy about that!

Roy Dols

EcoBuilding is now running well and we are saving significantly. Thanks to VB Optimum, many optimisations have become visible that we didn't know about. Now we are steering the installation in a targeted way to optimal operation.

Erwin van Gorkom

My climate system has become much easier to understand thanks to the insights and VB Optimum knowledge.

Bram van der Smagt