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We have saved 23.245 Tons of COover the past 12 months!


Digital Twin

Prepare your building for the future. So with maximum comfort and minimum energy consumption. A digital copy of the building forms the foundation for building optimization and sustainability.


Validation & monitoring

24/7 Optimization with smart steering

Data driven sustainable investments

Facility Management

Sustainability is important, but day-to-day management and providing a comfortable building is core business. We offer a nice balance between these two worlds. During the journey to the optimal building (read more about this under our working method), we work together to improve installations, energy consumption and comfort. With expertise, the installations are put in the twin, validated and any shortcomings resolved.

After the validation is completed, our algorithms start to predictively control the installations 24/7. The goal is the highest possible efficiency and the precondition is the comfrot requirements you set. Taking into account, among other things, future solar radiation and building characteristics, we steer towards an optimal use of cold and heat. This results in a quieter behaviour of the installations and optimum comfort. We work together with the existing installer to ensure the succes of a project. The Digital Twin makes the operation of the installations transparent. And our people have years of experience in installation and control technology, which we use to help achieve good building management.

After implementation the Digital Twin gets to know the building better and better. It knows exactly how the building heats, cools and how the installations behave. Do you want to go take extra sustainable measures? For example, if you want to install or modify a heat pump, insulate the building or change an air handling unit the trained data from your building's Digital Twin can perfectly show how this will work.

Optimal control of solar panels, batteries or dynamic energy

The Digital Twin focuses on optimization, whereby the availability of energy from solar panels, storage in batteries or thermal buffers and current energy prices are taken into account in the optimization. This way, you get maximum return on all the sustainable installations you invest in.

Digital Twin as a source of knowledge for sustainable investments

The Digital Twin gets to know your building. It knows how to heat up, cool down and how to use it. Knowledge with which simulations can be made for sustainable investments. This gives certainty and control over the decisions you are going to make.

Optimally functioning climate systems with a comfortable building

In 'the journey to the optimal building' we will go through a process together in which we validate the existing installations and then start steering. This gives you grip and control over the operation of the installations. And ensures optimal comfort with a satisfied user.

Energy saving and CO2 reduction

Save an average of 15 to 30% on energy. Achieve your sustainability goals with a good business case and a payback period of less than 5 years.

What our clients say

This is exactly what I expect from a smart climate controller.

Philip Verheye

Colleagues working in the offices are convinced by the indoor climate and comfort level, on the other hand, the benefits of energy consumption become clear when making a comparison with other office buildings.

Patrick Arnold

How cool that I get to experience this technology before I retire.

André den Biggelaar

The ecoBuilding simulations showed us exactly which battery capacity type we had to use in combination with the available connection capacity.

Patrick Kennis

The pilot demonstrated substantial energy savings of as much as 35%. We are very happy about that!

Roy Dols

EcoBuilding is now running well and we are saving significantly. Thanks to VB Optimum, many optimisations have become visible that we didn't know about. Now we are steering the installation in a targeted way to optimal operation.

Erwin van Gorkom

My climate system has become much easier to understand thanks to the insights and VB Optimum knowledge.

Bram van der Smagt