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VBoptimum and the GENIUS Project: Smart Energy Solutions for TU Eindhoven Campus

The TU Eindhoven Campus has received funding for the innovative project GENIUS (Grid Efficiency Network Integration for Universal Sustainability). This project is co-financed by the European Union and supported by OPZuid.

Together with nine partners, including VBoptimum, the project focuses on two key goals:

  1. Reducing grid congestion on the campus through smart energy management solutions.
  2. Developing a testing ground for sustainable innovations to accelerate their market entry.

VBoptimum’s role in the project

As a key partner in GENIUS, VBoptimum plays a critical role in providing smart technologies to optimize energy performance and reduce grid congestion. We will equip the iconic ATLAS building on campus with a Digital Twin and smart controls, using the Digital Twin and algorithms from Priva ecoBuilding. This is part of a broader smart energy grid, where heat pumps will be controlled based on the availability of energy on the grid. Our VBoptimize platform, which uses predictive algorithms, helps to optimize energy sources in real time, ensuring that the campus can better manage peak loads.

An intelligent control platform

Our technology ensures that energy is managed intelligently, leveraging various energy sources such as solar power and stored energy efficiently. Thanks to the campus's closed distribution system (GDS) and a new battery solution, energy can be stored when abundant and used during peak times. Our platform makes decisions based on historical data and future forecasts, contributing to a more stable energy grid not just on campus, but in the surrounding area as well.

The future of energy management

Grid congestion is a growing issue across the Netherlands, slowing down the energy transition. VBoptimum is not only helping TU Eindhoven, but also other companies and campuses to proactively tackle this problem. The GENIUS project, co-financed by the European Union and OPZuid, serves as a blueprint for the future. This model can be applied to industrial areas and large building complexes throughout the Netherlands. Innovative companies can test their technologies in this testing ground, enabling sustainable solutions to reach the market faster.

Together with our partners, we are working towards a future where grid congestion is a thing of the past, and where sustainable energy solutions are fully integrated and optimized.

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