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We have saved 31.663 Tons of COover the past 12 months!

Avans University Breda

24/7 Optimisation

This building of no less than 34,000 m2 and 12 air handling units has been running entirely on ecoBuilding's intelligent controls since September '22. The optimal energy use is calculated 24 hours in advance and the entire installation is controlled by algorithms. The set comfort level is being achieved perfectly and we will monitor the energy savings in the coming period.

A great project to be proud on. And certainly also a fine cooperation with Spie, who is contracted by Avans as their maintenance company. Spie integrated the system into the Priva building management system for us. Kuijpers manages the building's ATES system and power plant. We have periodically meetings with them and Spie in order to achieve the best coordination of the building, the installations and the power plant.