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We have saved 31.663 Tons of COover the past 12 months!

De Kroon, Rotterdam


To achieve smart and predictive climate control, we first ensure that the existing installation is brought into order. This starts with a Pre-scan in which we look at the installation and arrive at a step-by-step plan. Nice to see that such a Pre-scan often adds value straight away. This was also the case at De Kroon. A building owned by property manager Placebased &Co, which gives existing buildings a new purpose.

Kellie Holt, technical manager of The Crown is pleased with the insights and improvements.

"It’s obvious for me that the actions taken care of by Jorret of VB Optimum has realised the first improvements," according to Kellie.

We gave Kellie insights to improve the installation and route to ecoBuilding. Unica was brought in to prepare a proposal and calculate the recommendations. And during the visit, we immediately made adjustments to the boiler controls so that the boilers were running in better efficiency and could condense directly.So immediate savings and a made clear what the route to a functioning installation and ecoBuilding will look like.